Archive for the ‘Medicare News’ Category

Question: What is affordable dental insurance? 

Dental insurance is a type of insurance coverage that helps to cover the cost of dental services. It’s an essential component of overall health coverage, as good oral health is critical for overall health and well-being. Affordable dental insurance in California is a popular topic of discussion for many people. Affordability depends on the person. If you are looking for a lower-cost dental insurance option, start your search for dental insurance by reviewing dental HMO insurance plan options. HMO dental insurance plans are usually more affordable than PPO and Indemnity dental insurance plans. 

Remember that with HMO dental insurance, you will need to choose a dental office that is a part of the plan network of providers, and unlike a PPO plan, there are no plan benefits if you go to a dentist who is not a provider of the plan.

Question: Costco sells a Delta Dental plan, Delta Care, but you have to be a member of Costco, which I am not. I know about it because my friend told me. Can I get this plan or one like it for myself? 

Answer: We offer Delta Care HMO plans for individuals to buy directly. I can’t say it is the same as Costco’s offering, but it is an HMO dental insurance plan offered through Delta Dental. Call our member services at 310-534-3444. We will gladly assist you with these options if you have questions about our dental insurance plans.

Medicare Part B provides coverage for many routine and preventative services – some of which may be surprising, like bariatric surgery. However, strict medical criteria must be met before being approved for gastric bypass surgery and laparoscopic banding surgery.

Check out the numerous services covered through Medicare Part B:

Medical services covered:

  • Acupuncture.
  • Advance care planning, such as advance directives.
  • Ambulance services.
  • Ambulatory surgical centers.
  • Behavioral health integration services (like depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions).
  • Chemotherapy.
  • Chiropractic services.
  • Chronic care management services (if you have two or more serious, chronic conditions).
  • Clinical research studies.
  • Cognitive assessment and care plan services.
  • CPAP devices and therapy.
  • COVID-19 vaccines.
  • Defibrillators.
  • Diabetes equipment, supplies, and therapeutic shoes.
  • Durable medical equipment like hospital beds, oxygen, walkers, wheelchairs, etc.
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG) screenings.
  • Emergency department services.
  • E-visits allow you to talk to your doctor virtually.
  • Eyeglasses (if you have cataract surgery).
  • Foot care.
  • Hearing and balance exams.
  • Home health services.
  • Home infusion therapy and supplies.
  • Kidney dialysis and supplies.
  • Kidney disease education.
  • Laboratory tests.
  • Mental health outpatient care.
  • Nutrition therapy services.
  • Occupational therapy.
  • Opioid use treatment services.
  • Oral anti-cancer drugs.
  • Outpatient hospital services.
  • Outpatient medical and surgical services.
  • Outpatient rehabilitation services.
  • Physician’s services – primary care and specialty.
  • Physical therapy services.
  • Prostate cancer screenings.
  • Prosthetic-orthotic items.
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation programs.
  • Rural health clinic services.
  • Second surgical opinions.
  • Telehealth.
  • Transplants and immunosuppressive drugs.
  • Travel care: There are certain exceptions when traveling outside the US.
  • Virtual check-ins.
  • Annual wellness checks.

Tooth decay is a common dental problem that affects people of all ages. However, children are more susceptible to it, and as the study done by Delta Dental suggests, a significant number of children are at a higher risk of tooth decay. According to a study done by Delta Dental, a third of children ages 6-18 are at higher risk for tooth decay, and of those children. 

* More than 70 percent are not receiving two fluoride treatments a year

* More than 60 percent of ages 6-9 did not receive sealants on their first molars

* More than 80 percent of ages 11-15 did not receive sealants on their second molars

While having dental insurance can help save money on dental care expenses, it is equally important to use it effectively. Many people with dental insurance do not understand their plan’s benefits and miss out on treatments that could prevent future dental problems. 

You should review your dental insurance plan’s coverage, including preventive care services like fluoride treatments and dental sealants, which can significantly reduce the risk of tooth decay. By taking advantage of your dental insurance benefits, you can help ensure that you and your family receive the proper dental care you need to maintain a healthy smile.

Question: I have health insurance through my employer, and although it offers dental benefits, it is limited in coverage of dental care services. Can I buy another individual dental plan and use that instead? 

Answer: If you have health insurance through your employer that includes dental benefits but is limited in coverage for dental care services, consider purchasing an individual dental plan. You also may be able to coordinate benefits. It will depend on what you have currently and if you are going to a dentist who will coordinate dual plans. It is, however, worth asking about at your dental office. 

If you are considering purchasing an individual dental plan, it is essential to review your options carefully. We currently offer 46 different dental insurance and plan options for your review. Our member services at 310-534-3444 will gladly assist you with these options if you have any questions about our dental insurance plans.

Question: What is the best dental insurance in California? I know very little about dental insurance, but I want to spend less time looking into getting a plan. I only need something for essential check-ups and cleanings anyway. 

Answer: We often get asked this question, but the best depends on your dental needs. What dental care do you feel you will need, and what dental provider you may want to go to? You state that you only currently need preventive dental care, which most plans provide benefits for preventive care at a low to free cost. It would help if you spent time reviewing your dental insurance options to ensure you get what suits you. 

However, our member services at (310-534-3444) can review our dental insurance plan options with you and help you choose a plan that fits your current dental needs. 

We have posted several posts about how oral health can affect overall health care. Many studies show a high correlation between heart attack, stroke, diabetes, bone loss, lung disease, and oral health. Take your oral health seriously. Here are some tips to help you keep your teeth and gums healthy:

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
  2. Floss daily to remove food particles and plaque between teeth.
  3. Limit sugary and acidic foods and drinks that damage your teeth.
  4. Drink plenty of water to keep your mouth hydrated and wash away food particles.
  5. Visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and professional cleanings.
  6. Quit smoking or using tobacco products, as they can cause oral cancer and other health problems.
  7. Use mouthwash to freshen your breath and kill bacteria.

By following these simple tips, you can maintain good oral and dental health and reduce your risk of developing tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health problems. People with dental insurance are more likely to make and keep dental appointments.

Maintaining good oral health is crucial for overall health. Poor oral hygiene can lead to dental problems such as gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath, which can cause significant discomfort and pain. Moreover, research has shown that poor oral health is linked to other health problems such as heart disease, stroke, respiratory infections, and diabetes. Therefore, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly, having periodic dental checkups, and following a healthy diet. If you have dental insurance under most plans, this type of service falls under preventive care and is inexpensive.

Question: Can I get a Dental discount plan for only my six-year-old son?

Reply: Yes, many dental discount plans offer coverage for children only. You can check with various dental insurance providers to see what options are available for your six-year-old son. It’s essential to compare the plans and see which offers the best discounts for your needs. Additionally, consider whether you want a plan with savings for preventative care, such as regular check-ups and cleanings, or one that discounts major procedures like braces or oral surgery.

Overall, a dental discount plan can be an affordable and effective way to ensure that your child has access to the dental care they need by comparing plans and finding the right fit for your family.

Another option is looking into an HMO dental insurance plan. Some will let you have only a minor as an individual plan. Others may require you to buy a couple of plans for you and your son. However, HMO dental insurance plans are the more affordable option, and it may be well worth buying an insurance plan for you and your son.

It is important to start flossing your child’s teeth when they touch each other around two and a half years old. Flossing makes a big difference in the prevention of cavities. Generally, when your child starts a kinder garden, they should be able to begin flossing their teeth. Though they may not yet have the skills to do a good job, you should supervise and give tips and pointers now and then to encourage good oral health care. Just like adults, a child should floss their teeth every day. A good time is right before they go to bed, but that is important as long as they floss each day

Hello, I am going to be having our first child. My husband and I currently do not have dental insurance, but I told him to start looking for it before the baby is due so we will have something in place when he needs to use it. Would we buy a family dental insurance plan that includes a newborn? 

Reply: With dental insurance, three people or more would typically be listed as a family plan. So, if you are shopping for dental insurance for all three of you, you want to review the family cost of the dental insurance plan. You could buy a dental insurance plan for a couple if you wish, then add your child to the plan when they start getting their first tooth or when they are one year old, as a general rule of thumb.

Baby Teeth Care: When the first tooth appears, you will want to start cleaning your baby’s teeth twice daily. Until your child is older, around one, you can use a soft wet cloth to clean your baby teeth and gums. You can use a baby toothbrush once your child is around a year old. Ensure you use a non-fluoride toothpaste and only need a dab. I would only use toothpaste with fluoride once your child can spit and knows not to eat or swallow the toothpaste. It’s suggested that you take your child to see the dentist at or around their first birthday. 

For teething, give your baby a cold teething ring or frozen washcloth. You can also rub your baby’s teeth and gums with a clean finger. You should use Baby Orajel to help numb the baby’s gums. You can also ask your doctor for some Tylenol for the baby. However, you never want to give your baby any aspirin since aspirin may cause Reye’s syndrome, a severe illness. While the cause of Reye’s syndrome remains unknown, some research has established a link between Reye’s Syndrome and the use of aspirin. It has been advised by the U.S. Surgeon General and the American Academy of Pediatrics that aspirin and combination products containing aspirin not be given to children under 19.

My sister needs better oral and dental health care. Her teeth look yellow to me, and when I ask if she has seen a dentist, she says she can not afford to see one. Are there cheap dental insurance plans out there? 

Reply: You should review dental HMO insurance plans, as they are cheaper options. Most HMO plans will provide free to low-cost preventive dental care. Under HMO plans, the dental services covered are listed on a fee schedule, so she knows the cost of needed dental care ahead of time. The fee schedule will make budgeting for dental care more manageable.

Symptoms of an Abscessed Tooth include:

  • Severe and continuous toothache.
  • Fever.
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold.
  • A bad taste in your mouth.
  • Having bad breath and redness or swelling of your gums.

These are just a few symptoms of having a tooth abscess. Note that you only need to have some signs of tooth abscess to have an abscessed tooth. I recommend seeing a dentist to confirm if it is an abscessed tooth or a different dental issue.

I currently live in Kentucky and am moving to California. I am looking for a low monthly rate plan for dental insurance. I have myself and one child. Do I get a family plan or a couple plan? What are good dental insurance plans you do not have to pay much monthly?

Reply: With most insurance plans, you can buy a couple plan for two people (in your case, you and your child). For a low monthly cost dental insurance plan, I suggest you review dental HMO insurance plans, as they are the more affordable option for dental insurance.

An abscess is a painful infection at the tooth’s root or sometimes between the gum and the tooth. You can get an abscessed tooth due to untreated tooth decay. However, you can also get abscessed if you have trauma to your teeth, such as breaking or chipping your tooth, gum disease, or gingivitis. If you have an abscessed tooth, you must see your dentist immediately. The abscess or infection may spread from the tooth root to the bone, causing a significant oral health issue.

It may seem hard to believe, but many people do not floss, let alone floss daily. Yet flossing is even more critical than brushing when preventing gum disease, gingivitis, and tooth loss. Flossing your teeth is not so much about removing food bits that are between your gums, though it does do that. Flossing is more about removing dental plaque. Dental plaque is what causes tooth decay, gingivitis, and gum disease. Flossing every day between each tooth is an effective way to remove plaque and provide good oral health. 

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