Posts Tagged ‘Welcome 2011’

Blocks that say 2011I love welcoming in the New Year and I don’t mean the New Year’s Eve celebrations with the champagne, the ball dropping in Times Square, the tasty hors d’oeuvres (although, I do love me some little cocktail wienies and shrimp wrapped in bacon), and the singing of “Auld Lang Syne” at midnight. I mean, I love starting a new year.

It’s the beginning of a new calendar, a clean slate. It’s not exactly a do-over, but a promise of a fresh start. It’s a chance to examine the events of the past year and think about how to make the next
year better. For me, it’s a time to sweep away the cobwebs of negative thinking and to focus on new possibilities and positive thinking.

This will sound completely “Pollyanna” of me, but at the beginning of each year I mentally play the “glad game.” Like Pollyanna, I think about the things in my life that I am glad about. Even the things that aren’t so good in my life, I make myself find a reason to be glad, and I have to say, it just really
makes me feel better and more hopeful.>

I don’t like to make resolutions, because I can’t keep them, but I do think about goals for the New Year. Last year one of my goals was to get in a regular exercise routine and to eat healthier. I am happy to say, I am doing that. This year, my goal is to learn to step outside of my comfort zone and to be willing to take more risks. I want to get back to being a Ginger that can embrace change, trust her instincts and lead a more spontaneous life.

What are your goals for 2011?

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