Posts Tagged ‘Summer Medicare Help’

It’s right about this time each summer that I start looking forward to the fall. To cooler weather, leaves falling off the trees and apple cider.

The dog days of summer really start to get to me. Granted I love the warm weather, pools and the beach. There’s nothing I wish for more all winter long.

But I’ve about had it with this summer’s heat and humidity and I’m looking forward to the changing of the seasons. I want to be able to turn off my air conditioner, open my windows and enjoy the crisp fall air.

Since it’s looking like I won’t get a break from this weather for another couple of weeks, I’m going to use the tips from the CDC to help get me through the last of summer.

1. Drink lots of water.
2. Wear lightweight clothes.
3. Avoid being outside during the hottest time of the day and stick to shaded areas when possible.

Are you looking forward to the change in seasons? Have you had an extra hot summer where you live?

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