Posts Tagged ‘Snow and SAD’

Last week I was in Los Angeles. More specifically, I was sitting outside on a patio in Santa Monica with a view of the ocean. plow

This week? Well, things have been a hazy shade of winter. In case you haven’t heard, DC has had a “little” snow the past few days. The masses are beginning to get some serious cabin fever.

While it’s normal to feel restless while cooped up, for some people it is more than a case of the winter blues.

Season Affective Disorder (SAD) is when lack of exposure to sunshine and not enough vitamin D cause people to get depressed and unhealthily sluggish.

Treatments are available, and if you’re feeling exceptionally bummed during this time of year you should consult your doctor. They may suggest installing special light boxes throughout your home, or medication.

While waiting for the next ten inches to hit our area, I’m seriously considering a career-path that requires me to be in Hawaii.

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