Posts Tagged ‘recycle’

Recycling BinSpring starts Saturday and I realize some of you might be thinking about spring cleaning/organizing. For those of you who are looking at cleaning out the basement, I encourage you to look into recycling that old junk. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says that recycling saves energy, reduces pollution and even maintains and creates manufacturing jobs in the U.S. I’ve been a recycling junkie since I can remember. I still recall the days of home recycling where you had to look for a number on a plastic bottle to see if you could recycle it. Nowadays I wonder sometimes if I have more recycling than I have garbage each week.

The types of things you can recycle will depend on your local recycling centers. I’m lucky enough to live in an area where I can recycle just about anything. As I’ve pointed out before, you can recycle computer batteries, so you should expect the sky to be the limit when you check to see what local centers will take. The EPA provides guides on what you can reduce, reuse and recycle in your home, office and community.

How much do you recycle each week?

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