Posts Tagged ‘medicare appointments’

sundialI’m looking forward to 2 a.m. Sunday morning like a little kid looks forward to Christmas.

Why you ask?

Because that is when we spring the clocks forward and Daylight Saving Time begins! Yes, it means we lose an hour of sleep, which I’m not a fan of, but the longer days totally make up for it.

No more leaving work as the sun is setting and getting home when it’s pitch black.

Longer days mean the arrival of spring and then summer, the end of the winter blahs,
and hopefully warmer temperatures. Overall, longer days make me a
happier person because I can spend more time in the sunshine soaking up
the Vitaman D when I get off work.

Are you looking forward to the time change as much as I am? Or are you a winter person sad to see your favorite season ending?

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