needleNeedles are hands down one of the things I’m scared of most in the world. Anytime I need to get a shot or have blood drawn there’s a 50-50 chance I’ll pass out. I get all lightheaded and start to hyperventilate. It’s really not a pretty picture.  So needless to say, the news that scientists figured out a way to give vaccinations without needles made me smile.

It’s a little bit early to get my hopes up, but the idea that my doctor could just stick a patch on my arm to make sure I get all the vaccine I need sounds wonderful.

The way the patch is supposed to work is that the vaccine will permeate the skin carried through a protein that will deliver the vaccine. That sounds way less painful to me than having a needle jabbed in my arm.

With all the vaccines we need to get as little kids, this would have been such a great option. My parents would have had to deal with a lot fewer tears and probably a lot less stress.

Would you prefer having a needle-free option to get your shots or can you handle the needles better than me?

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