Posts Tagged ‘fireworks’

Fireworks in the night sky behind an American flafI am very excited about this Fourth of July. I will be spending it in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, with my whole family. It has been a long time since we were all together for a fun celebration. The “foodie” in me is already contemplating what culinary delight I can make to wow the family at our get-together.

Of course, fireworks are a “must have” for a great July 4th celebration, but each year there
are an estimated 10,000 people treated for injuries related to fireworks, and many of these injuries involve children under the age of 15.

Even something as seemingly innocent as a sparkler requires safe handling. Did you know a sparkler burns at 1200° F? Here are some basic safety tips to follow while
handling fireworks. Also, know the laws in your state regarding the purchase and use of fireworks.

While Iowa limits the use of individual fireworks, Cedar Rapids, like many communities, has an Independence Day celebration that will have a great fireworks display. To locate local 4th of July celebration websites you can use the search and type in your city or county to find out what activities are in your area.

I wish you all a safe holiday with good times and great food. During your festivities this Sunday, take a moment to reflect and be grateful that we live in such a great country. Remember those
who came before us, those who created, fought for, and secured our freedoms.

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