Posts Tagged ‘contest’

A few weeks ago, I went on a trip with a some friends. We had a blast, but I couldn’t help but notice that one of the members of my crew USA.gov_photo_contesttook 1,000 pictures over the course of our vaycay.

Not. Even. Kidding. Literally – over 1,000 pictures. At first this was amusing. By the end, I’d had enough of the photo sessions.

Now I am pleased to announce that my photo-happy friend has the perfect opportunity to showcase his obsession. and are hosting a photo contest running from June 16th, until June 30th. Following the theme, “Celebrate America” people can submit their original photos to their photo site of choice (Flickr, Facebook, Photobucket, personal site, etc) make sure it is visible to the public, and fill out an entry form.

Applicants can only submit one photo, and they will be judged based on the theme of “Celebrate America”. Judges will pick the top ten photos and the winning entries will be featured on and

Get your camera, and start snapping away! But 1,000 pictures could be a tad excessive.

Author’s note: After a hard-fought Stanley Cup Championship Series congrats are due to the Blackhawks and their #1 fan, Bill Early. I can only hope that one day you have the opportunity to feast on Tastycakes.

*For the Spanish version of this post, please see the entry below*

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