Special Instructions for Users Who Are Blind

The following instructions are for screen reader users like JAWS and Window-Eyes and Browser based readers like Home Page Reader.

In order to fill out this application you will be required to tab to each control and provide the requested information. Instructional text usually occurs at the beginning of each screen and can also be accessed by tabbing through the screen. Tab indices have also been added to allow for tabbing through text when using the medicare.gov sites.

Additionally, consistent headers have been set up to access questions and examples/instructions more easily. All headers that are at the 3 level will have additional help text. Additionally, the titles of each page are header level 1, and they will have general help information.

There is a time limit on all pages. After 30 minutes, you must move to another page, or your time will run out and you will be returned to the Social Security home page.

At the end of most screens there is a Continue button to allow the user to go to the next page and a Prior Page button to return to the previous page. The hotkey ALT + C is associated with the Continue button, ALT + P for the Prior Page, and ALT + X for the Exit button. Press Alt + C or ALT + P and then press Enter to move forward or back, or ALT + X to exit.

A few of their screens have links directly below the navigation buttons at the bottom of the page. These links lead to more information regarding our Privacy Policy, Regional Home Pages or allow you to provide customer Feedback concerning this application.