I’m not the kind of person to be the first in line to buy the newest technology right when it hits the store shelves. I’m more of a “sit back, observe, and collect data” kind of a person. I like to let the masses do the leg work for me and then reap the benefits of getting lots of opinions on features and the pros/cons of the available products. It gives me time to assess what features I want, what features are available, and to consider what I am willing to pay.

Picture of woman talking on a cell phoneI have had a standard cell phone with an inexpensive pay as you go plan for years, but I must admit I am experiencing phone envy. Many of my friends and co-workers have purchased smart phones that have all kinds of nice features: listening to music, uploading pictures, managing a calendar, browsing the Internet, and using a small keyboard to text and email. I am evaluating whether a smart phone makes sense for me.

It would be nice to have a phone and those nice features in one device. However, I really don’t use a cell phone that much. I work from home and I am usually at home. I don’t have kids who need to be able to get a hold of me when I am out and about. I keep a phone in my purse for emergencies, but it is almost always turned off. Most people know this about me, so they never call my cell phone number.

Would my phone habits change if I had a smart phone? Maybe. My call volume would increase slightly, because
I would be more likely to have a smart phone turned on, but I don’t think my phone usage would increase that much. My current thinking is that it doesn’t make much sense to get a smart phone and pay for a more expensive service plan, when I simply don’t use a cell phone that much.

For now, I am keeping my standard phone; I will look at other wireless devices that have the features I am interested in, but don’t require expensive phone plans. If you are going through a similar debate about a standard phone vs. a smart phone, here are some resources you might find useful:

If you have any suggestions or opinions you want to share, drop me a line.