I currently live in Kentucky and am moving to California. I am looking for a low monthly rate plan for dental insurance. I have myself and one child. Do I get a family plan or a couple plan? What are good dental insurance plans you do not have to pay much monthly?

Reply: With most insurance plans, you can buy a couple plan for two people (in your case, you and your child). For a low monthly cost dental insurance plan, I suggest you review dental HMO insurance plans, as they are the more affordable option for dental insurance.

An abscess is a painful infection at the tooth’s root or sometimes between the gum and the tooth. You can get an abscessed tooth due to untreated tooth decay. However, you can also get abscessed if you have trauma to your teeth, such as breaking or chipping your tooth, gum disease, or gingivitis. If you have an abscessed tooth, you must see your dentist immediately. The abscess or infection may spread from the tooth root to the bone, causing a significant oral health issue.

It may seem hard to believe, but many people do not floss, let alone floss daily. Yet flossing is even more critical than brushing when preventing gum disease, gingivitis, and tooth loss. Flossing your teeth is not so much about removing food bits that are between your gums, though it does do that. Flossing is more about removing dental plaque. Dental plaque is what causes tooth decay, gingivitis, and gum disease. Flossing every day between each tooth is an effective way to remove plaque and provide good oral health. 

Medicare insurance in California is a type of health insurance that provides coverage to people eligible for Medicare in California. The federal government administers Medicare in California, but the state of California can provide additional benefits and programs unavailable in other states. There are several different types of Medicare insurance plans in California, including Original Medicare, which is a fee-for-service plan that allows you to see any doctor or provider that accepts Medicare; Medicare Advantage, which is a type of health plan that provides all of your Medicare benefits through a private insurer; and Medicare Supplement, which is a type of insurance policy that helps pay for some of the costs that Original Medicare doesn’t cover.

Partial or Single Tooth Implant: The procedure will be less invasive if all you need is a single tooth replacement. For one, you will only need one fixture, so there will be less stress on the jawbone and you. Here is the procedure. A hole is drilled for implant insertion. A titanium screw-type device is placed in the hole mentioned above. The jawbone will heal and adhere to the implant during the healing time. A device called an abutment is attached to the implant. A crown is placed on top of the abutment. 

Several dental insurance policies offer discounts for dental implant procedures to help you reduce your costs. Before you purchase a dental plan:

  1. Be sure it has benefits for dental implants
  2. Confirm coverages for a dental implant
  3. Call the dental office and confirm they will do the implant.
  4. Sometimes, you need to see a dental specialist; many plans have restrictions, waiting periods, and limitations.

Here are some good pros and cons of using Water Flossers instead of flossing. 

Pros: Water Flossers are effective; they can be faster to use the flossing. Water Flossers usually comes with multiple wands and different colors so different family member can have their own, just like a toothbrush. Great for braces. Flossing with braces can be difficult. Orthodontic dentists often suggest Water Flossers. Adjustable water pressure: You can get cordless Water Flossers. Water Flossers suit people who may not floss well or have gum issues. Anything that will make you take care of your teeth and gums better is helpful. 

Cons: Cost can be a factor since they can run as high as $50 – $60. Depending on how well you care for them, they break down, some not even lasting a year. It takes work always to see what you are doing, which can cause you to make a mess. Looking in the mirror can also be difficult as the spray tends to go where you are looking. They can be too noisy. Water Flossers take up too much counter space, which is terrible if you have a small bathroom. If you are not careful, you spend more time cleaning the sink and countertops from water mess. If you are not careful, they may, over time, loosen bridge and crown work. Overuse, like anything, can cause more harm than good, so make sure you use it as directed. If you are trying to determine what is best for oral health care, talk to your dentist and see what they suggest. Having sound advice from your dentist is worth taking in and thinking about as a deciding factor.

Tooth decay destroys a tooth’s outer surface from acid-forming bacteria produced by food containing carbohydrates (sugars and starches). Tooth Decay Prevention: Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Preferably, brush after each meal and before bedtime to help prevent bacteria from staying on your teeth for a certain length. Consider these helpful tips: Floss your teeth daily to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Check with your dentist about using supplemental fluoride, which strengthens your teeth and helps prevent tooth decay. Consider dental sealants; sealants are placed on the top of the molars to protect the teeth from decay. Use mouthwashes with fluoride. Many kill 50% or more of the bacteria that cause tooth decay. Chewing gum with the ingredient Xylitol © may also kill some of the bacteria that cause tooth decay.

Before Mickey Rooney passed away in 2014, he did something brave. The movie star that played over 200 roles stood before Congress and gave a heartbreaking testimony.

Rooney confessed to being a victim of elder abuse in 2011. He believed that if a celebrity like him could be physically and verbally abused, then it can happen to anyone. The actor revealed his stepson held him hostage in his own home.

Whenever he tried to speak out he was silenced by his abuser.

“When a man feels helpless, it is terrible. And I was helpless,” Rooney said. “For years I suffered silently, unable to muster the courage to seek the help I knew I needed.”

Rooney’s stepson took control of all of his money, took his identification so he couldn’t travel, was verbally abusive, and deprived him of medicine and food. He even took his Oscar and his Emmy. Rooney felt like a prisoner in his own home until he filed a restraining order against the monster.

Finally, Rooney courageously shared his story to beg Congress to take a stance against elder abuse. Each year over 2 million elderly people will become victims of abuse.

According to the Administration on Aging, these are the signs of elder abuse:

Bruises, bedsores, broken bones, or burns
Depression or unexplained changes in behavior such as withdrawing from activities
Sudden changes in finances
Poor hygiene, sudden weight loss
Strained or tense relationships between the elderly and a family member or the caretaker

To learn more about elder abuse please visit or call 1-800-677-1116.

Invisalign – May Not Be Appropriate For Certain Cases

Invisalign may not be appropriate for certain cases of misalignment or complex bit problems. If Invisalign is not appropriate, traditional orthodontics can still be used for such conditions as: Crowding and spacing fret then five millimeters. Invisalign is currently approved for adults and teenagers with completely erupted permanent teeth who can faithfully follow the directions for treatment.

How long they have to wear the aligners each day, what they can and cannot eat and drink, seeing their dentist for follow up appointments. Invisalign may also be a alternative for certain simple malocclusions (bit irregularities). Invisalign braces are great because they are hardly noticeable when you wear them, and they are removable. Clear braces can give you that beautiful smile by straightening your teeth without anyone knowing.

In an advance toward solving a 50-year-old mystery, scientists are reporting new evidence on how the fluoride in drinking water, toothpastes, mouth rinses and other oral-care products prevents tooth decay.    Their report appears in the ACS journal Langumir. Research established long ago that fluoride helps to harden the enamel coating that protects teeth from the acid produced by decay-causing bacteria. Newer studies already found that fluoride penetrates into and hardens a much thinner layer of enamel than previously believed, lending credence to other theories about how fluoride works.

Beavers don’t brush their teeth or drink fluoridated water, but a new study reports beavers do have protection against tooth decay built into the chemical structure of their teeth: iron. This pigmented enamel, the researchers found, is both harder and more resistant to acid than regular enamel, including that treated with fluoride.

A new study is calling on dental teams to alert parents to the oral health risk of sharing spoons with toddlers at mealtimes. It coincides with the latest figures from the Health and Social Care Information Centre that show nearly 26,000 children, aged five to nine, were admitted to hospital in England in 2013-14 with tooth decay.   Now dental therapists are warning that children’s oral health must begin at home, with parents and caregivers given a comprehensive education if preventive measures are to be successful

Education about flossing is important and we need to be clear about the benefits regular dental flossing can have. Alongside dentist visits and brushing twice a day the message of proper cleaning technique needs to be learn and practice by everyone.

Cleaning between your teeth is a critical part of good oral hygiene as it helps to prevent gum disease by helping to remove plaque from these areas. Flossing is a key part of your daily dental care habits that helps you maintain your oral health care.  Studies show that in addition to problems inside the mouth, in recent years gum disease has been linked with general health conditions such as diabetes, strokes, cardiovascular disease, poor pregnancy outcomes and even dementia.

Question: I am self employed, and do not have dental insurance currently. I am wondering if a buying a family dental plan is really worth it or not.  I have two teeth that are starting to bother me and would like to see a dentist.  My wife and son are okay, but I would like for them to go in for a dental check up. The few dental discount plans I have reviewed do not seem like they are really saving you money when a crown still can cost up to $300–$400 that does not seem like a big saving to me.

I have looked at a few dental insurance plans as well, but with the waiting periods and cost of those plans being much higher, they too do not seem like I would be saving anything by buying them.  So what should I be looking for to help me with my dental cost?

Answer: On average the cost of crowns can run $500-$800 without insurance so I would say that the discount plans are saving you between $100-$300 dollars on a crown based on your post.  When you take into account that our dental discount plans run between $7.95-$9.95 a month for an individual that savings seems pretty good. I suggest calling a few dentist for crown rates without insurance so you can compare if the savings are truly there for you.

Depending on what state you are in we may so have dental HMO insurance plans. Our HMO insurance plans do not have waiting periods for their dental services to be covered and will normally have lower cost for their covered services then the dental plans do. So you may want to compare these plans as well.   With regards to our Dental PPO and Indemnity plans, I would agree that they may not be the best way for you to go due to the waiting periods. In this case for crowns waiting period can be up to a year or more.

In a prior post we talked about how not all younger children can go to a general or family dentist and when buying a dental insurance plan you want to make sure it provides coverages for Pediatric dentist.   PPO plans may be the best choice for this. As they have a broader range of in network providers and in most cases provide benefits for out side network providers. This is helpful when having to go to a Pediatric dentist.

However, PPO plans are not a plan type you buy for short term use as they normally come with waiting periods.  Therefore you want to buy a PPO plan in order to be prepared for your babies future dental care needs.  Read plan terms and conditions carefully before buying any dental insurance so you will be able to pick the best plan for you and your family

When reviewing dental HMO’s plans, one important part of having the plan work the best for you is having a dentist within the plan network you will want to go to. HMO’s dental insurance plan do not provide any benefits/coverage’s for dental offices that are not a provider of the plan. There for choosing a plan provider is very important. I suggest when choosing an in-network provider of an HMO insurance plan make sure to call the dental office up prior to buying the plan. Verify that they are still accepting the plan and new members. Confirm anything that may be important to you in picking a plan provider. Such as business hours, how far booked up they may be, location, years in practice, that they are doing the type of dental care services you may feel you need and anything else that would be important to you.

When buying a PPO plan using the plan network of providers is normally going to provide you greater value.  Although most PPO plans do provide benefits for outside net work dentist (dentist not a provider of the plan) they will in some cases reduce the coverages provided under the plan for non provider use. Such as maybe the plan pays 100 percent for preventive care with plan providers but only pays 80 percent when you choose a dentist not in the plan network of providers.

Even if the PPO plan you are reviewing dose not reduce their benefits for out of network dental providers, you still run a risk of having a greater chance of UCR(Usual, Customary and Reasonable) fees.  Since inside network providers have mostly agree to reduce their cost to stay within the plan UCR rates and non provider have made no such concession

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