On June 28th, new mandatory safety standards for infant cribs will take effect, helping to ensure a safe sleep environment for infants in the United States. The new standards released by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) require manufacturers and retailers to meet new safer crib standards, which include stopping the manufacture and sale of dangerous, traditional, drop side cribs. According to the CPSC, the new standards will ensure that mattress supports are made stronger, that crib hardware is more durable, and that crib safety testing is more rigorous.

MedicareCard.com has been serving consumers for several years with a primary emphasis on Medicare information and assistance. We started the medicare blog in order to provide the community with forum opportunities to express some of the ins and outs in dealing with the current administration. Please be candid about your experience trusting it will help others.  As always please be sure to contact the appropriate government office before making any changes to your assistance.