• In early 2000 the Social Security Administration (SSA) launched Social Security e-news, an electronic newsletter available free to subscribers through the Agency’s Internet site. Subscribers sign-up by providing only their e-mail address.
  • Subscribers to Social Security e-news have several options available to them. Just by subscribing they will receive a monthly newsletter containing general Social Security news. The e-news stories relate to current program developments and related events and are geared to the information needs of both current workers and beneficiaries.
  • In addition to the monthly general newsletter, subscribers can also elect to receive timely news updates on ten specific topics: disability, retirement, survivors, SSI, Medicare, laws & regulations, Press Office, wage reporting, seniors, and data, studies & research.
  • SSA’s first Social Security e-news newsletter went out on March 1, 2000. Social Security e-news currently has more than 150,000 subscribers.