Posts Tagged ‘Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has ten Regional Offices (ROs)’

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has ten Regional Offices (ROs) reorganized in a Consortia structure based on the Agency’s key lines of business: Medicare health plans, Medicare financial management, Medicare fee for service operations, Medicaid and children’s health, survey & certification and quality improvement. The intent of this structure is to improve performance through uniform issue management, consistent communication and leadership focused on achieving the Agency’s strategic action plan.

Boston Regional Office [PDF, 56KB] The Boston Regional Office (Region 1) should be your initial point of contact on any Medicare, Medicaid, or State Children’s Health Insurance Program issue in the following States: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Regional Administrator for New York/Boston, Jaye Weisman

Deputy Regional Administrator, Boston Regional Office,
Carol Maloof

New York Regional Office [PDF, 60KB] The New York Regional Office (Region 2) should be your initial point of contact on any Medicare, Medicaid, or State Children’s Health Insurance Program issue in the following States:  New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands.

Regional Administrator for New York/Boston, Dr. Jaye Weisman
Deputy Regional Administrator, New York Regional Office,
Dr. Gilbert Kunken
Director, Puerto Rico Field Office, Iris Bermudez

Philadelphia Regional Office [PDF, 56KB] The Philadelphia Regional Office (Region 3) should be your initial point of contact on any Medicare, Medicaid, or State Children’s Health Insurance Program issue in the following States:
Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Regional Administrator, Nancy B. O’Connor
Deputy Regional Administrator, Roseanne Egan

Atlanta Regional Office [PDF, 62KB] The Atlanta Regional Office (Region 4) should be your initial point of contact on any Medicare, Medicaid, or State Children’s Health Insurance Program issue in the following States: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.

Regional Administrator for Dallas/Atlanta,
Renard Murray
Deputy Regional Administrator, Atlanta Regional Office, Gil Silva

Chicago Regional Office [PDF, 54KB] The Chicago Regional Office (Region 5) should be your initial point of contact on any Medicare, Medicaid, or State Children’s Health Insurance Program issue in the following States: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

Regional Administrator for Chicago and Seattle, John Hammarlund
Deputy Regional Administrator, Chicago Regional Office,
Gwen Sampson

Dallas Regional Office [PDF, 59KB] The Dallas Regional Office (Region 6) should be your initial point of contact on any Medicare, Medicaid, or State Children’s Health Insurance Program issue in the following States: Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Regional Administrator for Dallas/Atlanta, Renard Murray
Deputy Regional Administrator, Dallas Regional Office,
Steve McAdoo

Kansas City Regional Office [PDF, 59KB] The Kansas City Regional Office (Region 7) should be your initial point of contact on any Medicare, Medicaid, or State Children’s Health Insurance Program issue in the following States: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.

Regional Administrator for Denver/Kansas City, Jeff Hinson
Deputy Regional Administrator, Kansas City Regional Office, Neil Thowe

Denver Regional Office [PDF, 60KB] The Denver Regional Office (Region 8) should be your initial point of contact for any Medicare, Medicaid, or State Children’s Health Insurance Program issue in the following States: Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.

Regional Administrator for Denver/Kansas City, Jeff Hinson
Deputy Regional Administrator, Denver Regional Office,
Diane Livesay

San Francisco Regional Office [PDF, 56KB] The San Francisco Regional Office (Region 9) should be your initial point of contact on any Medicare, Medicaid, or State Children’s Health Insurance Program issue in the following States: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Pacific Territories.

Regional Administrator, David Sayen
Deputy Regional Administrator, Catherine Kortzeborn
Pacific Area Representative for Hawaii and the Territories,
Mary Rydell

Seattle Regional Office [PDF, 53KB] The Seattle Regional Office (Region 10) should be your initial point of contact on any Medicare, Medicaid, or State Children’s Health Insurance Program issue in the following States:
Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.

Regional Administrator for Seattle/Chicago, John Hammarlund
Deputy Regional Administrator, Seattle Regional Office,
Gene Frogge

The Four Consortia

Each consortium is led by a Consortium Administrator (CA) who serves as the Agency’s national focal point in the Field for their business line(s) and as such is responsible for consistent implementation of CMS programs, policy and guidance across all ten regions for matters pertaining to their business line.  In addition to responsibility for a business line, each CA also serves as the Agency’s senior management official for two or three ROs, representing the CMS Administrator in external affairs matters and overseeing administrative operations.

The Regional Administrators (RAs) in the six non-CA ROs including Boston, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Denver, San Francisco and Seattle are responsible for planning and implementing all external affairs initiatives within the geographic area with which they are affiliated.  Each RA reports to one of the four CAs.

The Associate Regional Administrators (ARAs) report directly to the CA responsible for the specific business line/functional area for which they are responsible (see organization charts).

Regional Offices – CMS’ Local Presence In Your Community

CMS central and ROs share a common vision and mission as well as a shared commitment to the five key objectives outlined in the CMS Strategic Plan 2008 – 2012:

1. Skilled, Committed, and Highly Motivated Workforce,

2. Affordable Health Care System,

3. High-Value Health Care,

4. Confident, Informed Consumers and

5. Collaborative Partnerships.

The ROs provide a capable, local presence necessary to achieve the Agency’s objectives and meet the constant challenges of serving approximately 90 million beneficiaries.  This role includes three key components: 1) representation, 2) protection and 3) monitoring.

Representation – By the very nature of our proximity to CMS beneficiaries and partners, the ROs play a key role in representing the Agency and delivering key messages.  Development and maintenance of regional, state and local partnerships, including those with beneficiary coalitions, professional associations and governmental entities as well as an understanding of local influences enable ROs to gain access and build collaborative partnerships that might otherwise be impossible.  These offices in the field also routinely collaborate with ROs of other Federal agencies to serve the health and human service needs of the public.

The CMS Field is a conduit of information.  These offices are constantly scanning and analyzing the regional, state and local health care marketplace and sharing their insights with central office.  They not only represent the Agency on a grassroots level, they also represent the grassroots to the Agency.  Information and data from the Field contributes to informed policymaking and solutions that make sense inside and outside the beltway.

Protection – The ROs put into practice on a regional, state and local level the protective regulations, policy and program guidance developed in central office.  They ensure protections are in place to facilitate the delivery of high-value health care that is safe, effective, efficient, patient centered, timely and equitable.

ROs implement action at the local level to safeguard the health and well-being of our beneficiaries and the trust fund.  Through ongoing customer service, patient advocacy and professional relations, they solve problems for beneficiaries, providers and other CMS stakeholders.

Monitoring – To achieve and maintain an affordable health care system, it is imperative that monitoring of CMS’ programs and evaluation of contractors/grantees is rigorous, accurate and timely.  Through ongoing monitoring of State Medicaid Agency financial claiming, state survey agencies, Managed Care Plans, Medicare claims processing contractors and peer review organizations, the ROs are the Agency’s front line in monitoring the implementation of CMS policies and regulations.

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