sticks of dynamite attached to a timerIt’s not unusual to hear stories of bombs going off in markets, public places, and government buildings in far off lands. This weekend was different because the car bomb was on U.S. soil. Luckily for New York City, the car never exploded. I think a great deal of credit goes to the alert person who reported the smoking car to the police, and of course the skilled officers who dismantled the bomb before it could do any harm.

I’m not the sort of person to stir up a lot of fear and paranoia, but incidents like this remind us all that danger is present in our lives. So what’s a reasonable person to do?

Always be aware of your surroundings, trust your intuition and move to a safe place if you feel that something’s not right, and don’t be afraid to report suspicious behavior or unattended packages to police or security personnel.

Another thing you can do is to prepare for a disaster. Car bombs are (thankfully) unusual, but other disasters like floods, fires, hurricanes, and earthquakes are pretty common. Be sure to prepare an emergency kit for your family, your business, and even your pets.